The NIH-funded P30 Vision Core grant (EY002687) provides NEI-funded vision scientists with state-of-the-art technical support to enhance their individual research efforts. It fosters collaborative research and helps attract scientists new to eye research. These objectives are achieved through the provision of four core modules:
- A Morphology & Imaging module provides technical support and expertise in the processing, sectioning, staining, and morphological analysis of ocular cells and tissues at the light and electron microscopic level.
- A Visual Function Testing module provides equipment and technical expertise in the assessment of visual performance in animal model systems.
- A Molecular Genetics module provides assistance and expertise in the producction of transgenic/knockout/knockin mice, construction of gene constructs, and preparation of DNA clones and probes.
- A Biostatistics module assists in the design and implementation of pilot studies, provides statistical and methodological expertise in study design, assures the validity of statistical analyses and reported results, and assists in training residents and clinicians in areas of research methodology.
This grant is used by the vision core researchers.
Acknowledging the Core Grant in publications
The core grant undergoes a competitive review every five years. In putting together renewal proposals, we are required to provide a list of publications that acknowledge the grant. The number and quality of such papers is one of the key review criteria. It is essential, therefore, that all papers explicitly acknowledge the core grant:
“This work was supported by Vision Core Grant P30 EY002687”