FAQs by our researchers and clinicians
Arsham Sheybani, M.D., (Residency Program Director) and Kisha Piggott, M.D., Ph.D. (Assistant Residency Program Director) lead the Residency Training Program. They work with the Chief Resident, who is an Instructor in the Department. The Chief Resident serves as Director of the University Eye Service (UES). The education office coordinates lectures, conferences, visiting professors and CME programs.
What are the typical surgical numbers?
Over 230 phacoemulsification cataract surgeries, 15 glaucoma drainage implants, 10-15 corneal transplants, 15 vitrectomies, and hundreds of lasers (PRP, Focal, LPI, ALT, YAG Capsulotomy) and minor procedures.
Are there surgery practice opportunities?
Scheduled attendings supervise during the resident’s first and second year. The surgical wetlab introduces residents to surgical techniques (including oculoplastics) and fosters their surgical skill prior to entering the operating room. The residents are provided two labs with instruments, phaco machines and microscopes to practice surgery on pig eyes and cadaver eyes. Alcon Surgical holds unique phacoemulsification wet labs on campus.
Is there dedicated research time?
First year residents have 20 weeks of half-time research and half- time clinical rotations.
Are there funds for research?
Approved projects will be funded to a maximum amount of $1000 per project. Each year the $1000 Rosenbaum Research Award is presented to the resident providing the best ophthalmological research.
How much vacation time is allowed?
Three weeks vacation per year. (Fifteen weekdays)
Does the Department sponsor trips to meetings?
ARVO/Academy: Each third year resident will be allowed $1,000 to travel to either ARVO or the American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting.
First Authorship: Residents of all years are encouraged to present papers as first author, and are allowed one meeting per year in this capacity in addition to the third year ARVO/AAO meeting. In rare instances and with prior approval of the Program Director, a second meeting will be allowed. In this case, the paper being presented must be different than that presented at the first meeting, and the meeting must be a major ophthalmologic society meeting (AAPOS, ASOPRS, etc.). If a resident in any year is the first author of a presentation at either the American Academy of Ophthalmology or ARVO, the resident will be allowed time off with pay to attend the meeting. This time will not come out of vacation time. Sponsorship for travel costs to the meeting should be identified from the research laboratory or program involved. If presenting at ARVO, it is incumbent upon the resident to apply for a travel fellowship through ARVO. If a resident does not apply for a travel fellowship, he/she will not be eligible for departmental support. If the fellowship is received, the Department will provide additional support in order to bring the total to $1,000. If a travel fellowship is not awarded, then the department will underwrite the cost of the travel up to a maximum of $1,000, upon evidence provided by the resident that a travel fellowship was applied for but not received.
How often is call? Is there an on call room?
Home call is q5d for the first ophthalmology year only. A call room is available on site for call residents use. The 1st year call resident is assisted with a 1st year backup resident, 2nd year Regional/VA call resident, 3rd year surgical call resident, and trauma call Fellow/Chief Resident, all of whom take call from their homes. A senior resident assists the 1st year resident during the first two months of the year.
How much time will I spend commuting between hospitals?
The John Cochran Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center and Eye Associates are within a 10 minute drive.
How much didactic teaching is included in the curriculum?
Didactics are scheduled approximately nine hours per week. Weekly conference include: Grand Rounds, Lecture Seminar, Quality Assurance, Patient Safety, Subspecialty Teaching Conference, Chief Resident Conference, and Imaging Conferences.
Do residents participate in residency planning?
Residents from each year serve on the Education Advisory Committee. Meetings are held quarterly to discuss resident issues. The Chief Resident serves as the advocate to the residency program and discusses issues/concerns weekly with the Program Director and Chair. Residents now play a role in the screening of residency applicants.
How many visiting professors? Special Courses?
Thirteen professors are invited per year as part of the Visiting Professor Series. The department sponsors an annual Update Symposium. Other courses include: Optics Course, PRK /Lasik Certification Course. The Alcon Continuing Professional Education Program is funded for all third year residents to attend. Residents are relieved of clinic duties during this time.
Is there a resident library?
Along with teaching materials from the AAO and texts from the DOVS library, there are easily accessible online texts/CD. Included are: Duane’s Ophthalmology, Cornea Text & Color Atlas (Krachmer), Wills Eye Hospital Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology (Montzka), Ophthalmology (Duker/Yanoff), Retina Review, Retina Atlas (Yannuzzi), Stereoscopic Atlas of Macular Diseases (Gass) Multimedia Oculosurgical Modules (Schertzer), and CD-Atlas of Ophthalmology (Ford). The Becker Medical Library (located adjacent to the McMillan building) is very strong in ophthalmology references. The library was named after Dr. Bernard Becker, who was ophthalmology chair for 35 years.
Is there an established “Moonlighting” policy?
Yes. Moonlighting is not allowed unless approved by the Program Director.
What are the employee Benefits?
Housestaff benefits include: professional liability, health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, long-term disability, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, before tax medical and dependent reimbursement accounts, leave policy and four lab coats per year.
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