Mary-Grace Reeves, MD, MBA, incoming DOVS resident on being named Inpatient Intern of the Month, for her work on the VA MICU service
This doctor rotated through our ICU here at the VA in January right in the middle of the Omicron surge that both led to short staffed situations and an exceptionally high census in the ICU. She not only stepped up to the challenge but clearly mastered it with ease. She took care of highly complicated patients, is extremely hard working and reliable and shows an excellent understanding of disease processes.
Many times she stayed much longer than her scheduled required to tie up loose ends and make sure that patient’s families were updated. I recognized quickly that I could trust her with tasks that go beyond the expectation of an intern, including goals of care discussions for for end-of-life patients. I saw that she was able to build excellent rapport with families as there were situations where she was specifically requested to come talk to a patient’s family. I am very glad that she will make an absolutely outstanding physician.
She has worked as the intern on the VA MICU service, and has done an outstanding job. Our regular ICU PA has been out, and she has picked up the slack. She is bright, hardworking enthusiastic, asks great questions, and is an outstanding young physician.