DOVS News Research

Recap of the 4th Annual DOVS Research Retreat

4th annual dovs research retreat Shiming Chen, PhD

On Friday, September 6th, 2024, the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences (DOVS) hosted its 4th Annual Research Retreat, bringing together researchers, trainees, and faculty for a day of inspiring presentations and artistic innovation.

Research Poster Session

The retreat kicked off with the Research Poster Session, where 22 groundbreaking projects were showcased. Attendees had the opportunity to explore various research themes, ranging from retinal neurodegeneration to retinal vasculopathy. Notable presentations included:

  • Ji-Kang Chen from the Kerschensteiner Lab, discussing the integration of photic and metabolic signals by NPY neurons to drive behavior.
  • Evelyn Craigen from the Clark Lab, presenting on cis-regulatory element activity and retinal cell fate specification.
  • Sean McCracken, also from the Williams Lab, shared insights on mitochondrial calcium homeostasis in retinal ganglion cell survival after optic nerve injury.

Science in Focus: Art Beyond the Microscope

A new addition to the retreat this year was the “Science in Focus: Art Beyond the Microscope” competition. This event beautifully blended art with science, allowing researchers to present their work through a creative lens. Finalists’ artwork was displayed, and attendees were able to vote on their favorite pieces for the People’s Choice Award. The winning artwork embodied the stunning intersection of science and art.

Awards and Recognition

The retreat was also an occasion to celebrate excellence. Awards for the poster session were generously sponsored by the Harry D. Rosenbaum Research Award Fund. Winners included:

1st Place Poster Award: Christy Hoffmann (Clark Lab)
Christy Hoffmann, Daniel Kerschensteiner, Jenna Krizan
  • 1st Place Poster Award: Christy Hoffmann (Clark Lab)
    • CellOracle: Identifying novel regulators of retinal cell fates using gene regulatory network inference and in silico knock-out simulations
  • Honorable Mention Poster Award: Senyue Hao (Zhou Lab)
    • Wide-field space division multiplexing optical coherence tomography for angiographic imaging of the human retina

In addition to the poster awards, the “Science in Focus” competition awarded a People’s Choice Award winner, as attendees selected the most visually captivating and scientifically informative piece.

Daniel Kerschensteiner, Pooja Rathaur, Jenna Krizan
  • 1st Place Science in Focus: Pooja Rathaur (Bassnett Lab)
  • Honorable Mention Science in Focus: George Hoekel (Qin Liu Lab)

Recognition of ITVS Pathway Trainees

ITVS Pathway Trainees
Daniel Kerschensteiner, Jenna Krizan, Sean McCracken, Evelyn Craigen, Jade Enright Hostetler,
Jacob Amme, Shiming Chen

A highlight of the event was the recognition of trainees from the Interdisciplinary Training in Vision Science (ITVS) Pathway. This 2-year program builds upon traditional PhD programs, combining theory, practice, professional skill development, and mentoring opportunities to push the boundaries of vision science. The ITVS Pathway is designed to overcome disciplinary barriers, fostering a unique blend of basic science and translational research. This year’s trainees include:

  • Sean McCracken
  • Evelyn Craigen
  • Jade Enright Hostetler
  • Jacob Amme

Looking Forward

The 4th Annual DOVS Research Retreat was an undeniable success, providing a space for collaboration, artistic appreciation, and recognition of groundbreaking achievements. Don’t miss next year’s event for another round of exciting research, creative inspiration, and professional growth!