Drs. Rajagopal and Margolis are featured in a new video released today thanking donors for supporting the RPB career development awards over the last 30 years. We would like to thank the RPB for supporting our young scientists over the years.
Author: Donna
Dr. Vladimir Kefalov receives the 2019 Bressler Award

This weekend, Dr. Vladimir Kefalov received the 2019 Bressler Award at the 2019 Alfred W. Bressler Vision Science Symposium and Pisart Seminar at the University Club of New York. Dr. Vladimir Kefalov is the recipient of the 2019 Bressler Prize, and Dr. Tiffany Schmidt is the 2019 Pisart Award honoree. “These two outstanding researchers, chosen […]
Dr. Carla Siegfried induction into AOS

Congratulations to Dr. Carla Siegfried on her induction into the American Ophthalmological society. The American Ophthalmological Society (AOS) is a medical society of ophthalmologists and the second oldest specialty medical society in the United States. It was founded in 1864 during the Civil War as the first specialty society in this country and just thirteen years after […]
Congratulations to Dr. Harris Sultan

Dr. Harris Sultan is being awarded the 23rd Fellowship Research award at the Retina Society 52nd annual meeting in London, UK.
Dr. Steven Bassnett to be honored by The Marfan Foundation

Dr. Steven Bassnett will be honored with the 2019 Distinguished Research Award by The Marfan Foundation Heartworks St. Louis.
2019 Bressler prize awarded to Vladmimir Kefalov, PhD

Dr. Vladimir Kefalov has been awarded the 2019 Bressler Prize for his outstanding advances in vision science research by the Lighthouse Guild.
2018 Nikon small world photomicrography image of distinction

Congratulations to Wendell Jones, a graduate student in Dr. Steven Bassnett’s lab. His image of the interior of a mouse eye was place in the top 100 in the Nikon Small World Photomicrography competition – making it an ‘image of distinction’
Congratulations Dr. Raj Apte

Congratulations to Dr. Raj Apte for presenting the first Keynote lecture of the 2018 meeting of the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) in Nice, France. Lecture was titled ‘An eye on aging and disease’
Alzheimer’s one day may be predicted during eye exam

Drs. Van Stavern and Apte discuss their finding on the use of OCTA to detect Alzheimer Disease ahead of their paper published in JAMA Ophthalmology
Macular degeneration linked to aging immune cells

Studying mice and cells from patients, Dr. Apte’s team found that as immune cells called macrophages get older, they are more likely to contribute to inflammation and abnormal blood vessel growth in the back of the eye. This can damage vision in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Macular degeneration linked to aging immune […]
Recent departmental publications

Here are our department’s recent publications (02/15/2018 – 03/36/2018) Members of our department are highlighted in bold – congratulations to them all!! Apte, R. S. “Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Therapy in Diabetic Macular Edema Does Flavor Matter?” JAMA Ophthalmology 136, no. 3 (2018): 269-70. Apte, Rajendra S. “Gene Therapy for Retinal Degeneration.” Cell 173, no. […]
Recent departmental publications

Here are our department’s recent publications (01/01/2018 – 02/14/2018) Members of our department are highlighted in bold – congratulations to them all!! Abalem, M., P. Rao, and R. C. Rao. “Nystagmus and Platinum Hair.” JAMA 319, no. 4 (2018): 399-400. Andley, Usha P., Eric Tycksen, Brittney N. McGlasson-Naumann, and Paul D. Hamilton. “Probing the Changes […]
Exclusive agreement with Q Biomed for future glaucoma treatment

Researchers from the Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences have signed an exclusive option agreement with Q BioMed. Under the agreement granting the exclusive right to license the technology, Q BioMed will evaluate the feasibility and usability of GDF-15, a novel biomarker for monitoring glaucoma, as a companion diagnostic to the MAN-01 small molecule currently being optimized […]
New NEI grant awarded to Dr. Steven Bassnett

Congratulations to Dr. Steven Bassnett who has just received a four year grant from the National Eye Institute to study the biology of the ciliary zonule. The zonule is a system of thin fibers that connects the lens to the inner wall of the eye (see picture above). During the process of accommodation, the fibers […]