In October 2019, Washington University School of Medicine, John F. Hardesty, MD Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences donated a Plusoptix Vision Screener to Meramec Valley R-III (MVR-III) School District in Pacific, Missouri. The Plusoptix Vision Screener will help the school district’s Department of Student Health Services identify students with vision impairments.
Barb Heger; District Health Coordinator and Stephanie Bechard; Federal Programs Coordinator plan to use the Plusoptix Vision Screener during district health screenings. The district participates in a voluntary self-assessment of health related programs and policies at least every 3 years as directed by the Wellness Policy (ADF). The evaluation takes place in the form of district-wide and/or building-level inventories as part of the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) School Health Index. The School Health Index was updated in 2017 to align with the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. This model highlights the importance of involving and coordinating interactive components to maintain the well-being of young people.